There are many in this world who are interested and concerned about academic research and cultural studies in the field of sex work, and have done a lot of nice work in accumulating informationand experience in that area. This network hopes to become a worldwide information center that bringstogether such efforts and thoughts of sex work.
As it operates, this network belongs to all that participate in it. That is why we have not set any fixed views or standpoints to be our baseline. As long as information enters this web-site--be it networking activities between various sex work groups, descriptions of on-going researches in sex work, book review, reports of current prostitutes' rights struggles, self-proclamations and narration by sex workers themselves--it will be posted in appropriate locations within our site. We hope to propagate and mediate the dissemination of information in relation to the academic researches, cultures, prostitutes' rights, legal matters, media in the field of sex work through our web-site. We will not only forward mail but also established discussion areas.
As far as categorization is concerned, this web-site will include various forms of sex work-related persons (including men, women, third-sex sex workers, pimps, customers, bodyguards, etc.), sex tours, sex work and community, political economy of sex work, laws and policies, sex work in films and literature, AIDS, sex work other than prostitution, etc. We also hope to create a friendly space for dialog where various marginal sexual subjects could come out and articulate their voices. We believe the stigmatization that follows sex-related topics can only be overcome by the strongest affirmation and the most unrelenting support. |