As internationalization entails more varied and frequent interaction/negotiation with other cultures and societies on formal occasions, this course will provide training for those students who are interested in pursuing careers in public relations and conference organization. Students will learn about professionalism in this developing field as well as the special register of English used on such formal occasions, the rhetorical skills of negotiation, and the logistics of conference management. In addition, students will be required to attend a number of different international conferences during the course of the semester and to make reports on the operation of conferences during class. Attendance is mandatory.
2-19 |
intro to the course, divide class into work teams
homework: chapter 1, prepare report on experiences of various meetings |
2-26 |
discuss: different kinds of meetings and their operations會議性質和內容劃分, Questions for class discussion
homework: look over some conference websites and prepare to report
observation |
3-4 |
discuss: report on website observations, what are involved in organizing an international conference, Incentives to attract participants
homework:會議組織工作綜覽,國際會議籌辦事項,國際會議籌辦流程表 |
3-11 |
discuss: conference organizing (online material國際會議手冊)
homework:禮賓工作須知,negotiation tips,4 tips on turning no into yes |
3-18 |
discuss: basics of public relations work - enhancing your power of negotiation, Edison Chen's Statement
homework:開會臨時事故如何處理 |
3-25 |
discuss: staff-training, on the spot response
homework: chapters 2-4,簡單開場白 |
4-8 |
discuss: order and organization
homework: chapter 5, who makes a good chair? 開放提問 |
4-15 |
discuss: running a meeting
homework: chapter 6, observe conference strategies |
4-22 |
discuss: the politics of conferences
homework: chapters 7-8 |
4-29 |
discuss: cultural factors in elections and negotiations
homework:會議中的11種角色 |
5-6 |
discuss: the art of human interaction
homework: professionalization of MICE
(五組各負責八篇列出之論文,閱讀後選出心得,製作 ppt 報告)
5-13 |
discuss: MICE and national policy,上述閱讀小組ppt報告 (每組10分鐘為限)
homework: writing of meeting documents(textbook附錄:組織章程) |
5-20 |
discuss: exercise in preparation of documents
homework: writing of meeting documents(textbook附錄:議程、記錄) |
5-27 |
discuss: exercise in preparation of documents
homework: 會展人才之培訓認證,
6-3 |
homework:individual final report for the course includes: (due in paper form and email on 6-10)
1. personal observation and reflection on at least two conferences that you attended
(at least 1 page), give details and try to incorporate the things covered in this course
2. go to and carry out personality evaluation,
print out final report and give personal reflection on self-analysis as well as
possible career planning strategies-----oral presentation expected June 10 (not to exceed two
minutes) |
6-10 |
final wrap-up |