2014 Spring—Research Methodology and Thesis Writing
Josephine Ho (Office Hours: Wed 10-1)
This course is designed for those students who are interested in pursuing a career in academic research and writing. I am going to presume that students already got the basics of expository writing, and will hence concentrate on several key areas of expertise in this course as listed in the tentative schedule. Central to the course would be the question of plagiarism, which I believe is not a simple crime nor an easy way out of a difficult task, but the starting point of learning a complicated set of conventions as well as an important lesson in processing information and demonstrating independent thinking--both are vital skills for an academic career. Students are required to actively surf the internet and learn about how other institutions of higher education have dealt with problems of thesis-writing and plagiarism. It would be through consulting these other resources that we formulate our own understanding of academic production. That, in itself, is a practice in research methodology. Students may use writing assignments from other courses as raw material to be worked on in this course. Two types of homework assignments are required: oral reports are marked in blue and written reports are marked in red (due at midnight on the Sunday before).
Please bring in a sample paragraph from your own writing pool for the first class. This course requires a certain degree of sophistication in writing in order to qualify for enrollment.
Course materials can be found at http://sex.ncu.edu.tw/papers/Written homework is to be emailed to johomework@gmail.com, with a clearly stated subject "thesis writing--due date--your name in full"
date | Course plan |
2-20 | Intro to the course |
Homework: definitions of academic writing. |
2-27 |
什麼是「論文寫作」︰ |
Homework: collect and analyze formulation of paper topics, what are the general trends of research as reflected in the topics and target texts |
3-6 | 形塑研究方向和問題意識: How to Write a Research Question Formulating the Research Question 1 Structure of Research |
Homework: skim a bunch of papers and locate their choice of “relevant” materials and citations |
3-13 | 文獻探討與引用︰ |
Homework: search for definition of and education about plagiarism, bring in relevant sites and report on key discussions |
3-20 | 如何避免抄襲瓢竊: |
Homework: read sample introductions and reviews and bring in analyses of writing strategies |
3-27 |
批判閱讀與思考(一)︰ |
Homework: select one key essay for your research topic and write a 500-word summary that would make clear its specific relevance for your research |
4-10 | 批判閱讀與思考(二) Critical Reading Towards Critical WritingWhat Is Critical Reading? 寫作範本:Review |
Homework: select one piece of critical writing on comparison/discussion of at least two pieces of document, and write your own simulation |
4-17 | 批判閱讀與思考(三) 如何寫高級的評論 |
Homework: select one piece of critical writing that surveys one general area of research, write your own simulation |
4-24 | 論文結構與撰寫(一)︰ |
Homework: bring in sample essays and demonstrate how they open and move on to their themes |
5-1 | 論文結構與撰寫(二) |
Homework: bring in sample essays and analyze how paragraphs and sections string together |
5-8 | 論文結構與撰寫(三) 如何促成文章的一致性 |
Homework: bring in sample essays and analyze how they present their conclusions |
5-15 | 所謂技術層面: 必學的MLA Style 1 必學的MLA Style 2 |
Homework: construct bibliography in the specified format |
5-22 | 永無休止的改寫過程: |
Homework: collect sample abstracts and analyze strategies, prepare own abstract |
5-29 | 摘要和口頭報告︰ How to Prepare for the Oral Defense of Your Thesis/Dissertation |
Homework: prepare an oral report for about 10 minutes on a paper |
6-5 | 口試應對︰ How to Prepare for an Oral Defense |
6-18 | final report due |
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