英史上最大規模戀童偵查逮3229人 32人羞愧自殺

【2004/12/21 東森電子報】 記者王鵬惠/綜合報導


根據英國小報《每日郵報》報導,英國史上最大規模的「歐爾行動」戀童案調查中,被捕的嫌犯已經有32人自殺身亡。自殺者當中很多都是有家庭的人,他們如果因為戀童癖罪名遭到起訴將會面臨失去工作與婚姻的命運,也無法承受被捕的恥辱, 因此才選擇自我了斷。



32 suicides after UK porn raids

From correspondents in London December 21, 2004

THIRTY-TWO men have committed suicide following their arrests in connection with Britain's biggest probe into child pornography, a newspaper has reported.

Many were family men who stood to lose their jobs and marriages if convicted of pedophilia offences, and they could not cope with the shame of arrest, the Daily Mail reported.

The men were among thousands of suspects held during Operation Ore, the British end of a US investigation launched in 2002 into a pay-per-view child pornography website based in Texas, the paper reported.

So far 7200 Britons have been identified, with 3729 of them arrested. Some 1600 had been charged and 1200 convicted.

Details of the suicides were released by the Association of Chief Police Officers, but the paper quoted association spokesman Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Hyde as saying the suicides would not deter officers from enforcing the law.
