This oral training course will devote itself to several major areas of interest. We will begin our semester with a series of demonstrative interviews, through which we hope to learn about not only Asian celebrities making it in the western entertainment world, but also the art of conducting interviews. Students are required to practice and read the dialogues out loud, study the techniques of making interesting interviews, learn about the interviewee』s views, and be prepared to comment on the performance of both parties. Discussions and presentations in class are required to be based on the readings. In the second segment, we will concentrate on groups of lyrics that have made significant contributions to social understanding and social change. The oldest form of story-telling in songs will also be considered. Students are encouraged to find comparable examples in other sources and bring them to class. The last segment of the course will be devoted to basic language training for professional jobs, including stewardesses, tour guides, publicists, receptionists, etc.. All materials for the course are provided on the internet. Grading will be based on participation, preparation, and performance.