2014 Fall—Conference and Communication Skills
Jo Ho
As internationalization entails more varied and frequent interaction/negotiation with other cultures and societies on formal occasions, this course will provide training for those students who are interested in pursuing careers in public relations and conference organization. Students will learn about professionalism in this developing field as well as the special register of English used on such formal occasions, the rhetorical skills of negotiation, and the logistics of conference management. In addition, students will be required to attend international conferences during the course of the semester and to make reports on the operation of conferences during class.
Students are expected to keep up with weekly readings, attend classes, make group reports and individual reports, and carry out other assignments.
Grading: in-class performance 40%, group report 40%, Homework 20%
作業信箱: johomework@gmail.com 。主旨必須標明(例如) 「會議溝通作業-學生中文姓名」。上課日期後之次週週一午夜截止繳交,過時不收。
date | Course plan |
9-18 | Introduction to the Course |
Homework: |
9-25 |
Discuss:Understanding the industry and its vocabulary |
Homework: look over the following websites and prepare group report |
10-02 |
Discuss: Group reports on conference organizing |
Homework: 會議英語彙整 |
10-09 | Discuss: Public speaking at conferences 會展專業經驗談:楊艾倫校友來訪 |
Homework: |
10-16 | Discuss: 會議英語彙整;國際會議英語100句 |
Homework: prepare group reports |
10-23 |
Discuss:Group reports on PR lessons learned YouthEngage tweetathon: join the worldwide Twitter chat on 24 October第一組報告 第二組報告 第三組報告 第四組報告 |
Homework: How to write a concise CV |
10-30 | Discuss:Constructing your CV |
Homework:work on your CV (Due: 11-9 midnight) |
11-06 | Presentation of letter-perfect CVs |
Homework: write a cover letter How to write a cover letter |
11-13 | Discuss: Writing a cover letter |
Homework: Interpersonal Skills Self-Assessment (Cover letter due: 11-18 midnight) |
11-20 | 運動會停課 |
11-27 | Individual report on self-assessment cover letters sample |
Homework: Potential Interview Questions |
12-04 | 改為12-09補課 |
Homework: How to Prepare for a Job Interview (注意影片下方還有很多 tips 影片,都可以參考) |
12-11 | Discuss:Going to an Interview |
Homework: prepare for mock interview |
12-18 | Discuss:Mock Interviews I 面試: |
Homework: prepare for mock interview |
12-25 | Discuss:Mock Interviews II 面試: |
Homework: write up lessons learned from mock interview |
01-01 | 元旦停課 |
01-08 | final presentations: personal performance reviews 雇主只看履歷的哪裡?只要六秒鐘 就決定見不見你 |