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歐洲體操明星改行性工作 收入大增

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【2014.06.11 BASTILLE POST巴士的報 Plastic News】

運動員光輝可維持多久?有羅馬尼亞體操運動員退役後為生活淪為妓女。 Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

16 6 月, 2014 at 4:49 下午


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【ETtoday東森新聞雲 鍵盤大檸檬 文/呆呆狗】




▼那村莊的女生每天就只要「躺著」就好~ Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

16 6 月, 2014 at 3:23 下午

Granny, 72, Having A Baby With Her Grandson

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【2010.04.30 skyNEWSHD By Alex Watts 】

The incestuous couple are 46 years apart (picture: New Idea magazine)

A grandmother has shocked her friends and family after revealing she is having a baby with her own grandson.

Pearl Carter, 72, says she has never been happier after beginning an incestuous relationship with her 26-year-old grandchild Phil Bailey. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

16 6 月, 2014 at 11:22 上午


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【2014.06.05 HISTOPOLITAN

今天聽了一個研討會的報告(報告人是英國的Howard Chiang博士),才知道原來臺灣第一次的變性手術,竟然是在1953年。一直以為這是很晚近的事情,想不到發生的這麼早。



我國醫學史上的創舉 謝尖順變性手術成功



我國大兵謝尖順的變性手術已告成功了,今後即繼西方的克麗絲汀小姐之後,成為謝尖順小姐了。 Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

11 6 月, 2014 at 11:56 上午

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她教海豚說英文 最後和牠做愛

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【2014.06.10 蘋果日報】


美國一名老婦人羅娃特(Margaret Lovatt)近日接受英國BBC訪問時透露,過去她在NASA實驗室中擔任海豚訓練兼觀察員,她除了要教海豚說英文,她還回憶一段與海豚發生性關係的過往。 Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

10 6 月, 2014 at 6:35 下午

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【2014.06.06 苦勞網 記者/王顥中 責任主編/陳逸婷】


這類說詞雖然經常是以某種「緩頰」的方式呈現,卻其實與許多批評話語相容,例如,在彎彎幾度公開道歉後,即刻有網友回應以「其實你真正該道歉的是你的老公與家人,還有包紅包的賓客」,一時間,人人彷彿皆可代老公與家人對她進行撻伐,當彎彎的錯已經無庸置疑,剩下的便只是批評者的適格性問題罷了,也就是「誰」可以點燃女巫腳下的火種? Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

6 6 月, 2014 at 10:54 上午

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Intimate Photos Challenge What It Means to Be Born a Boy or Girl

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【2014.05.29 PolicyMic IDENTITIES By Lauren Davidson / Image Credit (all): Chloe Aftel

November, 18-year-old Sasha Fleischman was set on fire by a teenager after falling asleep during the bus ride home. The assault resulted in third-degree burns and several surgeries. Sasha’s “crime”? Presenting as a boy while dressing in traditionally feminine clothing.

Born Luke Fleischman, the teen wore a skirt for the first time to school sophomore year. Soon after, Fleischman started questioning the binary definitions of gender, and has since identified as agender, preferring to use the pronouns “they” and “them.” Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

3 6 月, 2014 at 3:14 下午

Neither/Nor Space Across Pop Cultures: 4th Netherlands Transgender Film Festival

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by Kate Bornstein in 08/03/2007

I know that the film Transamerica was a big breakthrough for tranny visibility in the USA. But believe it or not, there’s more to transgender than director Duncan Tucker and evening soap star Felicity Huffman can bring to the silver screen. In fact, there are movies being made all around the world that cast real live trannies in the tranny roles. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

30 5 月, 2014 at 3:10 下午

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【2014.05.20 Photoblog.hk攝影札記 紀實攝影 BY SO】

↑María Isabel,攝於2013年。小時後在墨西哥Michoacán成長,9歲時,她因為受到父親強暴而逃離家園。後來她遇到一位願意收養她的小販,更供養她上學。可惜在她接近完成學業,計劃成為老師之前,她的養母不幸離世,生活無以為繼。為求生活,María Isabel自始成為性工作者,那年她17歲。現時她已退休,平常喜歡閱讀、寫詩、刺繡,有時又會自己造耳環、手鐲。

正如其他辛勤工作的人,性工作者也有退休的一天。然而她們又能似其他人一樣,有正常的退休生活嗎?攝影師 Bénédicte Desrus 帶著這個問題,走訪墨西哥的Casa Xochiquetzal,一個退休性工作者的家。 Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

26 5 月, 2014 at 11:18 上午

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嗑藥化明為暗 名人也沉溺

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【2003.08.16 中國時報 謝明俊】


四、五年前國內搖頭風氣開始興盛後,搖頭族群多半到一些搖頭店、搖包玩樂。部分人士則利用暑假期間,選擇一些熱門歡光景點,以戶外PARTY的方式,吸引搖哥搖妹們。 Read the rest of this entry »

Written by admin

23 5 月, 2014 at 5:12 下午

Posted in 未分類