1. 文章用分段章節明顯標記其結構關連並呈現思路流向。特別是篇幅很長的論文,為了讓讀者不至於失聯,多半會用一些技巧來提示主要論述方向,讓讀者可以看到全篇論點的佈局,顯示論點的複雜層次結構。例如︰
數字︰不但可以用簡單的1、2、3、4……來標明層次順序,還可以用小數點來顯示更複雜的層次,例如,1.1、1.2、1.3…..或者再下層1.11、1.12、1.13….這些都是社會科學領域中常見的手法。 (原則︰在很難找到合適的層次小標題時才使用這種方法。因為數字無法提示概念內涵,而只指涉抽象層次,往往需要讀者更費一番思考工夫來追尋)
2. 文章用段落語句來遙指前後上下論點的關連,特別是在每段的主題句和總結句中標示思路的流向,用這些串連的、覆誦的、轉折的描述來表明文氣如何流轉。
While these initial points raised by Miles refer specifically to the contributions in Hidden in the Household, her conclusions refer more generally to the entire domestic labor debate.
There was a second implication, however, in the common feminist assertion that women's domestic labor could not be adequately understood through the categories of Marxist value analysis. Many postulated, in effect, a family/economy dichotomy.
Effective as these theories may have been in exposing the operations of gender inequality, Butler reveals the futility of such endeavors to liberate women from the patriarchal gender system of gender in her "Gender Trouble, Feminist Theory, and Psychoanalytic Discourse" (1990).
這一段結尾說…In other words, the fashion world is powered by a string of symbols that seek to create impressionistic values.
As it turns out, the symbolic values have acquired such power in today's commodity world that they are creating real differences for the consumers. Two pairs of different brand shoes were made with the same material, but their prices may be entirely different because of the trademarks attached to them.…
The program is very ambitious but may face some problems….
In many ways more ambitious still is the program to develop creative thinking.
3. 利用多樣的連結語詞來指示文氣的起承轉合。文章寫作需要在用字遣詞上不但精簡準確,還要能鮮活多變,不要總是用同樣的一些字眼來結構全文。以下提供一些可用的連結語詞,不過請注意它們彼此之間還是有一些差別的含意,需要多多閱讀別人的範例來體會這些細微的差距。
and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, what's more, moreover, in addition, because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is, in brief, meanwhile, of course, similarly, likewise, in the same way, along the same line of thinking
whereas, but, yet, while, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, by comparison, in comparison, whereas, compared to, balanced against, vis-a-vis, but, although, conversely, after all, in contrast, although this may be true, granted that, it might be said that….but, still, in spite of, despite, although it is true that, granted that, it may be true that….but
definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation
first, second, third, etc., next, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon, the most important, the least known, the least discussed, in the first place, significantly
for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate one case that comes to mind
in brief, on the whole, summing up, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as we can see, as I have said, as stated above, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly, as a result, consequently, on the whole, in short, finally, at last, after all, in the end, in a word, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted
4. 避免使用太過簡單、分散思路的獨立句,盡量利用複合句型把思路的層次表達出來,也藉此扣緊表達的各個要點。
While Liu positions Chen's Revolt of Body and Soul in the historical context of Chinese and Taiwanese modernity, indicating that his works present the psychological symptoms of the internalized violence of history, Guan, on the other hand, examines the revolution of Taiwan's fine art after martial law by considering Chen's grotesque art as a significant transition.
同時,因應快速發展的情慾文化和情慾現實,新興色情行業也有了一些重大的質變。一對一、充斥著性愛暗示的公開挑逗,愈來愈構成性交易的主要內容和催情劑,從而賦予性工作者比較寬廣的主體操作空間。另外,在官方取締的壓力、同行強烈的競爭、與消費者口味需求的三方衝擊之下,這些新的性行業也益形趨向現代服務業的服務精神和運作結構,在尋求利潤和永續經營的長遠考量中摸索著挪用其他行業的特色來調整自我,而這些融合調整都使得這些新興性工作中出現了許多有別於傳統性別權力互動模式、充斥邊緣張力的異質空間(heterotopia),更在男強女弱的傳統「性部署」(deployment of sexuality)中發展出不少高度異質性的實踐。
The body-soul imagery may help illuminate the awkward situation of trans subjects by graphically presenting the often contradictory feelings and images that trans subjects have to negotiate as they move through social space. Yet the simple graphic of the body-soul imagery also tends to obscure the manifold differences (in gender, age, socio-economic status, facial features, body shape, etc.) among trans subjects, differences that may very well affect the credibility of their claim to "a soul trapped in the wrong body," as well as refract the meaning and persuasiveness of such an imagery itself. More importantly, the imagery further conceals "the daily effort of 'doing' gender in everyday interactions that all of us engage in" (Kessler & McKenna, 1978, 1985: 126).